Egg Prices Continue To Climb

A dozen large eggs reached an all-time high average price of $6.14 on Jan. 18. Experts aren’t sure when prices will stabilize and start falling due to ongoing HPAI outbreaks impacting egg production. (Laura McKenzie/ Texas A&M AgriLife)


Richland-Chambers Reservoir

Richland-Chambers Reservoir is back in the Toyota ShareLunker Legacy Class spotlight for the first time since 2008.

The Texas labor market achieved a new record-high level for jobs and the civilian labor force in December.

“God is our grapevine; you and I are the branches” says Annamarie, 11.

Schools & Sports

Toyota ShareLunker Partners with AFTCO on New ‘Guide of the Year’Award

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) and the Toyota ShareLunker Program are partnering with AFTCO on a new promotion to recognize a fishing guide who contributes to conservation and enhanceme


What deer hunter doesn’t thrill at the thought of harvesting a heavy antlered buck? The truth is that management bucks such as this are much more plentiful. They provide a lot of tasty venison, and land managers are often happy to have them removed from the herds they manage for trophy class animals. Photo by Jeff Rice.

White-tail deer season wrapped up January 19th for North Texas hunters. Thanks to the muzzleloader and special youth season, hunting continues throughout the weekend of Jan.

Crandall Lady Pirates Beat Corsicana Lady Tigers 53 to 27

Crandall Lady Pirates Beat Corsicana Lady Tigers 53 to 27

Columns & Editorials

From Egypt, With Love

Helen lays on an Egyptian stone table, the madman staring down upon her, knife in hand.

Congressman Lance Gooden Calls for Investigation into DOJ’s Selective Prosecution of Adani Group

Congressman Lance Gooden (R-TX), a member of the House Judiciary Committee, today called for the preservation of records pertaining to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) selective prosecution of The


Are you changing jobs soon? If so, you’ll obviously be interested in your new salary — but you’ll also want to look at other financial considerations.

Forney Messenger

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