Columns & Editorials

Review Your Ira, 401(K) Beneficiaries

Review Your Ira, 401(K) Beneficiaries

If you’ve had an IRA and a 401(k) for many years, you may occasionally ask yourself some questions: “Am I contributing enough?” “Am I still funding these accounts with the right mix of investments for my goals and risk tolerance?” But here’s one inquiry you might be overlooking: “Have I used the correct beneficiary designations?” And the answer you get is important.

Laymen’s Corner

This column is written by a Christian layman who desires to address issues recorded in the Bible that are hard to understand. This writing is often based on theories and paraphrased, that some people would question, but if this writing helps one person to better understand GOD’S love for mankind and His purpose for them, then the effort will be worth it.

Dog Day Afternoon
Dog Day Afternoon

Dog Day Afternoon

idea that backfired? Was it one of those really big ideas, the kind that, when you mention it to people their eyes saucer out and they look at you like they can smell really bad broccoli cooking? It’s that look that says, “Why in Heaven’s name would you ever think this was a valid concept to explore?” I had one of those ideas a few months ago. One evening, while sitting on my end of the couch – there’s a his end and a hers end – I paused a YouTube video I was watching (this is always the beginning of my grand, sweeping gesture: pause video, place phone lightly on arm of couch, take a deep breath) and announced my new focus in life. “Honey,” I stated with aplomb, “We can groom these poodles ourselves.” You could’ve heard a pin drop.

A Legacy of Faith and Freedom
A Legacy of Faith and Freedom

A Legacy of Faith and Freedom

I am in the middle of reading Ernest Cline’s novel, “Ready Player Two”, the follow-up to one of my favorite novels, Ready Player One. I have talked about the first book in this column before and compared it to a modernday Tom Sawyer. However, in Ready Player One the entire adventure takes place mainly in a virtual world, not the real world. However, relationships in the real world are impacted by relationships in the virtual one.

A Silver Lining to 2020

A Silver Lining to 2020

I recently read an article where the author wrote about a surge in homeschooling since the pandemic gripped the nation back in the spring of 2020. The reasons parents are choosing to homeschool are as diverse as the families choosing to do it. Some parents are looking for faith-based education options. Others are parents of children with disabilities. Some families are unhappy with the quality of their local schools. Whatever the reasons, the author views this mass exodus from schools to homeschooling as “a silver lining” to the pandemic, suggesting without the pandemic, many families would not have left their local schools.

Are Trust Services Right For You?

Are Trust Services Right For You?

If you’re extremely busy with your career and family and you’ve accumulated a fair amount of assets, you might be concerned about a variety of issues related to financial management and legacy planning. Specifically, you might think you don’t have the time or expertise to deal with these matters effectively. If this is the case, you might want to consider using a trust company.


A policeman once stopped a man for speeding. The man did not have any excuse for speeding and he knew that he did not have the money to pay a fine and his car insurance would go up. The policeman approached the car and began to do his duty. The man looked the policeman in the eye and asked. Sir, would you grant me “mercy”? The policeman looked into the eyes of the man and saw a real plea for mercy with regret for speeding. The policeman said “yes I will. I will grant you forgiveness for speeding.” The man was so thankful that his eyes got a little moist. The policeman went on his way and the man vowed to be more careful about his driving speed in the future.

No More Waiting

No More Waiting

We are weeks away from starting the 2021- 2022 school year. The return to public schools will look as diverse as the students served by them. In the Dallas metroplex, options for returning to instruction I am aware of include: Extended school days, an extended school year, year-round schedules, a hybrid of virtual/ classroom instruction, full-day instruction with and without masks and all day virtual instruction. There appears to be an option for just about everyone.

Laymen’s Corner

The moment a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal savior He gives them the Holy Spirit and keeps them in His hand for eternity. Jesus said no one could take them out of His hand. Although all Christians sin against GOD sometimes they are still in the hand of Jesus.


Forney Messenger

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