Columns & Editorials

Good Times at Bad Dog High
Good Times at Bad Dog High

Good Times at Bad Dog High

I have a problem child. I would say he was a problem dog, but he requires so much more than my children did growing up that it’s only fair I get to claim him as a child. He needs more attention, more supervision, more tolerance, and more medical care. He needs more me. His name is Poe.

A Healthy Approach To Weight Loss

Though people attempting to lose weight may love a quick fix or magic pill that could shed excess pounds, successful efforts that produce long-term weight loss generally take considerable time and effort. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says people who lose weight at a gradual, steady pace tend to keep the weight off. The CDC advises individuals to aspire to lose one to two pounds each week.

Ask Aunt B

Ask Aunt B

I just found out that I have a child I never knew about. They are all grown up, and I’m not sure how to proceed. I would appreciate any advice.


Luke did his deer hunting this week with his Nikon camera at Wind Point Park on Lake Tawakoni.


SHOOTING DEER with a camera

What is Movember?

If you think you're seeing more moustaches lingering over mens' upper lips as November unfolds, chances are your eyes are not deceiving you. November has long been synonymous with Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season, but it's also taken on a whole new persona in recent years, and moustaches are a significant part of that new identity.

I Take You, Wilma
I Take You, Wilma

I Take You, Wilma

I have a high tolerance for pain. I see you rolling your eyes. I would do the same, I’m sure. It’s a common declaration, after all. Except, I can prove it! Can we talk about childbirth? Again, with the eye rolls! I know. AARP is on me like white on rice, yet I want to tell my birth story. As the millennials would say, “That’s so cringe.” In the court of public opinion, however, I need these details to make my case. I had an unmedicated birth at home, a couple of them, actually. In one of those situations, the result was a baby that weighed well over ten pounds! See! I told you. I have a high tolerance for pain. Since I am clearly setting the stage for a tale of woe concerning a today pain, you needed to know this. It’s called an inciting incident. It’s a writer thing. Wink. Stop rolling your eyes.

Ask Aunt B

Ask Aunt B

The holidays are before us. I want to appreciate each and every one of them. It always gets so hectic. Any ideas on keeping it all in perspective and not turning into a crazy person? THANKS and HO HO HO Dear THANKS and HO HO HO, Oh, the holiday season! It’s full of sparkle, cookies, and family gatherings, but it’s also time for turning into a 'crazy person,' as you put it. The pressure to pull off the perfect holiday can feel intense, and we can end up frazzled before the season even hits its stride. With a few grounded strategies, you can head into the holidays with more grace, joy, and sanity.

Ask Aunt B

I am hearing all these new terms, ghosting and gaslighting among others. Boy, do I feel out of touch. Are all of these things new or just new terms for old things? How do I keep up?

Dear Aunt B

Dear Aunt B

I had a really good friend. I really enjoyed her and thought we were close. Something happened, I’m not sure what. We never see each other, and I have tried to reach out. It is really sad to me. What should I do?

Did You Know?

Even though the debate continues regarding the merits of artificial and real Christmas trees, it seems there is a winner, at least within the United States. According to Statista, 47 percent of American households own an artificial Christmas tree, while 24 percent purchase real trees. Though real trees might not be as popular as their artificial alternatives, the number of real trees that are purchased each year remains significant. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, roughly 25 to 30 million real Christmas trees are sold annually in the United States. Canadians may favor live Christmas trees, or they're at least skilled in growing them. In fact, Canada exported more than 2.4 million fresh Christmas trees in 2021, and 97.2 percent ended up in the U.S., according to Statistics Canada. In June 2022, there were 1,895 business locations across Canada in the nursery and tree production industry.

Dear Aunt B,

Dear Aunt B,

I have friends that are having trouble. I hate this because I really love both of them. They have asked me for my advice and frankly I have some I would like to tell them. I think this might be a bad decision. What do you think?

Did You Know?

Volunteers typically offer their time and services in an effort to help others, but researchers believe volunteering has a profound effect on individuals who lend a hand, particularly when those pi


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