
Rep. Keith Bell Appointed to Serve on Key Committees as Vice-Chair on Criminal Jurisprudence and Public Education

Rep. Keith Bell Appointed to Serve on Key Committees as Vice-Chair on Criminal Jurisprudence and Public Education

Speaker Dade Phelan released Texas House committee assignments for the 87th Legislative Session, naming Representative Bell (R-Forney) to Vice-Chair of Criminal Jurisprudence and Public Education Committees. This will be Representative Bell’s second session serving on both of these committees.

The Gift We Give Ourselves

The Gift We Give Ourselves

I hope that most of you know that I own Flower Basket. And today, you will all learn that my birthday is on Friday. According to my children, these two facts make it impossible to shop for me (“What are we gonna get a florist the week of Valentine’s Day? Flowers?”) so they’ve worked very hard to make my birthday gifts meaningful; and every gift they give is that much more special because I know that they gave it so much thought.

Sam Houston State University Announces Fall 2020 Dean’s List

The students listed on the Dean’s List of Academic Honors at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, are undergraduates who have achieved a grade point average of at least 3.5 out of a perfect 4.0 in all work attempted while enrolled in not less than 12 semester hours. The university would like to recognize the following students for earning the honor for the Fall 2020 semester.

Hey, put some ALOE VERA on it

Hey, put some ALOE VERA on it

For most of my life I have heard the above advice but did not take it seriously until the past years of retirement when I have had more time to work outside and suffer various “dings,” scratches, bites, stings, burns, a possible snake bite, and various rashes. I must admit that I have not used the “miracle stuff” recently, because my supply died from too much attention, especially watering in a container that did not drain well, but just the other day I happened across a “blurb” on the internet, extolling the virtues of this WONDER PLANT. Allow me to share what I have experienced and what I have learned by listening and reading.

Free Rides to all Vaccination Locations

Free Rides to all Vaccination Locations

STAR Transit is providing free rides for persons with confirmed appointment to get the COVID 19 vaccine shots. The curb-to-curb service extends outside of the agency’s service area. Rides are available Monday – Friday, 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. For this purpose, STAR Transit is temporarily adding Saturday service from 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Reservations should be made at least one service day in advance and are based on vehicle availability.

Estate Planning For Blended Familie

Estate Planning For Blended Families

If you’re in a blended family, you’re already aware of the emotional and financial issues involved in your daily life. But what about the future? When it’s time to do your estate planning – and it’s never too soon for that – you’ll need to be aware of the entanglements and complexities that can get in the way of your vision for leaving the legacy you desire.

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

Mrs. Rea Thomas Librarian

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

Mrs. Glenn Roberts Homemaking Teacher

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

Mrs. Patsy Baker Homemaking Teacher

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

Mrs. Marilyn Watkins Homemaking Teacher

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

Mrs. Linda Glenn Homemaking Teacher

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949
How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

How You Look and Dress—Copyright, 1949

I was fortunate enough to be a student at/in Forney High School when Mrs. Rea Thomas was the Librarian; she was the “keeper” of a vast number of books and a tremendous “vertical file,” filled with all sorts of goodies. And when I returned to my home town to teach in 1973, she was still there at the “door to the books,” keeping watch so that no one defiled or removed a book and so that no one left without finding what he/she needed to complete a project or to prepare for an evening of literary perusal.

Forney ISD Fine Arts Hosts Multiple Live Theatrical Productions
Forney ISD Fine Arts Hosts Multiple Live Theatrical Productions

Forney ISD Fine Arts Hosts Multiple Live Theatrical Productions

High school and middle school students in the Forney ISD Fine Arts program recently presented multiple theatrical productions. Into the Woods opened at North Forney High School and Little Women opened at Forney High School, both with limited audiences. Additionally, a scheduled content performance of Little Women allowed families to view the performance from the comfort of their home.

Mesquite Moves Forward to Expand its Animal Shelter
Mesquite Moves Forward to Expand its Animal Shelter

Mesquite Moves Forward to Expand its Animal Shelter

The Mesquite City Council approved a $227,735 contract with GSR Andrade Architects to expand the existing Mesquite Animal Shelter facility by 4,000 square feet. The expansion will include more kennels to house animals as well as a new outdoor play area. The design phase is anticipated to be completed in approximately six months with construction starting in fall 2021. The current shelter is 11,000 square feet.

Samantha Criswell Recognized as Important Female Leader Forney Native and FHS Graduate
Samantha Criswell Recognized as Important Female Leader Forney Native and FHS Graduate

Samantha Criswell Recognized as Important Female Leader Forney Native and FHS Graduate

I have found out that as 2020 was drawing to a close, SAMANTHA CRISWELL was recognized by the City of Mesquite as an “important female leader of our Community.” They did this while recognizing the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, which guarantees all women the right to vote, by “highlighting important female leaders of our community’s past and present.”

Forney ISD Board of Trustees Approve Mascots for Three New Schools

Forney ISD Board of Trustees Approve Mascots for Three New Schools

The Forney ISD Board of Trustees officially approved the new mascots for the three new schools that will open in August for the 2021-2022 school year. The mascots were nominated and voted on by students and their families that will attend the schools when they open their doors this fall. The mascot for Griffin Elementary will be the Grizzlies, the mascot for Rhodes Intermediate will be the Raptors and the mascot for Jackson Middle School will be the Jaguars. The principals of the schools, Kristie Crabtree, Griffin Elementary; Brenda Lopez, Rhodes Intermediate; and Molly Purl, Jackson Middle School announced the mascots at the board meeting.


Forney Messenger

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599