
TVCC Introduces Cardinal Resource HQ: A Holistic Approach to Student Support

TVCC Introduces Cardinal Resource HQ: A Holistic Approach to Student Support

Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) is excited to announce the transformation and expansion of the Student Advocacy Center into the Cardinal Resource HQ, a rebranded support hub located in the Student Union Building on the TVCC – Athens Campus. This revamped space will focus on providing holistic assistance to help students succeed both on and off campus.

BBB Tip: Avoiding Social Media Schemes During The Holiday Season

BBB Tip: Avoiding Social Media Schemes During The Holiday Season

Social media is an invaluable tool for making and maintaining connections, sharing memories, and creating communities. However, it can also be used maliciously as an avenue for impersonation, bait-and-switch tactics, and social engineering attacks using emotional manipulation, deceptive practices, and outright lies. Additionally, many people who share details of their lives on social media may be unknowingly providing bad actors with the puzzle pieces they need to enact a scheme.

94 Years and Counting

94 Years and Counting

On December 23, 1930, a cute little brown-eyed girl was born in Fort Worth, Texas. And as she started her journey of growing up, her parents divorced when she was 7 and her mother began the journey of single mom. However, that didn’t deter her mother from providing a good life for her daughter or herself as she had siblings that were able to help her care for her daughter during the school year. And when summer rolled around, that little girl traveled with her mother throughout the eastern half of the U.S. visiting all the accounts that her mother was the sales rep for in the cosmetics industry. She managed to visit 33 states by the time she had graduated from high school at 16 and had met many amazing people, including President Franklin Roosevelt in the White House - but that is a story for another time.

The Love Of God Reminds You Of What?

“The love of God reminds me of the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control),” says Josh, age 10. “God gives us our fruits so that we may have good attitudes all day long. Once we have given all our fruits, we get really edible. All we have to do is ask God for more fruit.”

The Sign
The Sign

The Sign

It’s been nearly seven years and three laptop computers since we started our weekly talks. The Dell hit the dust quickly, though it was already several years old. The refurbished Mac-Book Pro was amazing, until it wasn’t. Now I write to you on last year’s Black Friday Walmart special – the rose gold MacBook Air. It is oftentimes difficult to pick a topic. Occasionally, I fear I am repeating myself. Columnist 101 – start a spreadsheet of topics on day one. Sadly, I did not. We are so very close to Christmas. I have something weighing on my heart. Despite my concern that we’ve conversed about this already, I’m going to retell you a tale. Just nod like you’re hearing it for the first time, ok? That’s what I make my adult children do on my 4th rendition of the same song and dance. They roll their eyes. Feel free to do the same.


Forney Messenger

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 936, Forney, TX 75126
Physical Address: 201 W. Broad St., Forney, TX 75126
Phone: 972-564-3121
Fax: 972-552-3599